hehehee.. i went to a website that enable us to know the prices of websites in this world... and yeahhhhh.. facebook is worth more than 1.2 billion!!!!!!
ok.. lets mot talk bout facebook here guys... so the price of my blog is RM 1,4++!!!!! well, more than a thousand ringgit!!! that is sooooo coooooolllllllll
and what's cooler is i checked the price of frens' blogs as well... hahahahaha... yam's is 1,1++ as well as my ex-KP... yg lain pon bawah2 tu jgak la..... hahahaha... but danash's and ayuni's are more valueable... ada yg smpai 4,+++!!!
so, sapa2 Yang nak beli blog aku, (wlaupun mngkin x de) aku jual ngan harga 2,+++ ringgit malaysia.... hummm. nak???
neway guys, harga tu mungkin mengarut je.... :-)
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