i had a conversation with my fren, Capik. he is a good fren of my and we havent met 4 a long time.. so we talked about many things..
after foolin around a mall and a lunch, i realised that i had 2 boxes of fresh milk.. and fresh milk are not meant to be in a car for a long time takut nanti basi ke apa ke.. x psal2 plak.. he came from far away to KB and actually it was hard to let go man.. i wish to chat with you more, but then... yeaahhhhh.. the milk... what can i do..
it was actually in my car, and we parked near the KB bus station sbb dia nak balik ngan bas.. so before he got out, we had this convrstion... and of course while driving, we talked.. we talked about our frens, what happened to some of us.. hahahaha.. it was fun, knowing the latest updates about them.. i mean yang ada stengah tu yg kapel la.. ada yang break up, ada yang gay.. hahaha. ada yang pegi oversea, ada yang dah lakukan great things in their live... and of course im not gonna reveal who they are...
so, one interesting topic that we talked about was about this couple and marriage thing... bukan nak cakap yang kami ni gatal ke apa.. but that is the topic yang sebati dan selari dengan peredaran masa kami.. yela, x kan la aku ngan dia nak cakap psal harga emas terkini, harga tanah kat machang, atau kos sara hidup terkini kat Kelantan.. boleh tu boleh, x salah tapi x sesuai… hehehehe..
one of the thing that I told him is that, last year, I told my fren the characteristics of my ‘miss right’.. hahahaha.. of course la banyak… masa tu la…. Gatal kan aku masa skolah dulu??? Hehehe.. Pastu bila dah ‘tua’ ni kan.. aku pun baru sedar yang x perlu pon banyak2 karakteristik tuh… yang penting dia tu sayang Allah, sayang Rasulullah dan sayang suami dia… cukup.. yang lain tuh smuanya nafsu semata-mata…
waaaaaahhh ! sronok bunyi~ gosip boy ~ HAHAHHA
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