this is a very interesting quotation... i cant remember who said this but whoever he is, he surely is a very wise man...
he who can control others is a great person... but he who can control himself is a much mightier person...
i took this from a very famous tv series, criminal mind... i cant remember which episode from which season... these words make me think many2 times... u know la kan...
and actually, at that time, i was in love with this kind of knowledge called THE ART OF PERSUASION... thanks to my closest teacher, kak marina for that knowledge.. and i was in the middle of the road of going deeper into the knowledge when i saw that episode of criminal mind..
it is so true la... we can control others easily ( for those who can).. and from my observation, those who can control others mostly hard to control themselves... u r the boss, the leader, the prime minister, the president, the man with the most knowledge, than yeaahhhh.. you can control others easily... but can we control ourselves at the moment?????
ayat budop exempted..ganah slalu