well, ada kawan aku sorang ni.. dia pompuan... ok, i'll just start from the beginning..
aku ni memang minat ngan human bhaviour and how human think... so, aku pon ada la blaja jugak apa yang org ckp sbgai 'profiling'... so, aku cam amatur la dlam profiling thing ni... mcam, predict someone's behaviour from his profile pictures.. klau ada video psal dia lagi la memudahkan kerja aku...
so, aku ada la knal sorang pompuan ni.. aku knal ngan dia mlalui facebook, laman web sosial yg faymes tahap gaban gobana... so, lama2 aku chat dan brbual nga dia mlalui benda maya ni aku jadi cam rapat la jgak.. WHAT THE HELL!! KENAPA AKU CRITA PSAL DIA PLAK NI!!!???!
so, masa mula2 aku knal dia, aku profile la dia.. mlalui dia punya profile pictures... so, apa yang aku dpat ialah, dia merupakan seorang yg pmalu dan cam agak lurus.. bukannya lurus cam biol tu... dia lurus cam 'someone yang x akan break the rules'.. someone that 'play it safe'.. sbb most of her DP are pictures of her with someone else... very rare to see her standing alone in a pic... really observe this lelaki dan perempuan thing.. u know, yg kena jaga pergaulan dan bagai... someone that has dont idolise herself... bukan someone yang akan tgk dpan cermin dan "omg, cantiknya aku pakai baju ni! i look gorgeous today!"..
so, satu hari ni, aku tgk la dia punya DP... yang pertama, gamba tu adalah gamba dia kat somewhere i think cinema.. dia pkai 3D glasses on her tudung as in atas kepala, smiling and.... u know, like very control ayu or memang ayu... so, according to my previous profile, aku igt dia ni jnis yang x akan look at the mirror and say, "i look gorgeous"... but taking a pic alone, smiling at the camera.. that actually requires a number of confidence...
i don know la wether my profile is wrong or not.. but if my profile was right, she changed.. and the reason why she changed might be bcause she stayed away from her family for quite some time.. and.. i don know.. hope that she havent changed much.. cause i love her just the she is...
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