Tuesday, October 25, 2011


today, i m going to talk about a very interesting penyakit.. hahaha.. ni x tau la orang panggil gila atau psychopath atau cinta sejati.. iaitu necrophilia... this is a very serious 'illness'.. it is also known as thanatophilia or necrolagnia.. IT IS A SEXUAL ATTRACTION TO CORPSES. it is an abnormal arousal to something or someone, or paraphilia.. malas la aku nak cakap psal paraphilia nih.. nanti kot...

actually, we were already exposed to this kind of 'madness' even since we were children.. even before our parents were children.. it appears in literature from time to time... kita je x perasan... hahaha.. look at this...

this is a scene from romeo and juliet.. romeo kissing juliet before he commits suicide... klau nak tau lagi pasal crita romeo and juliet baca sndiri.. aku malas nak crita.. hahahaha

and this is snow white.. see how our kids were influenced..hummmm... true love's kiss my ass!!!

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